Copyright: The acknowledgement of source data and the ease which digital data can be modified
Copyright: The legal protection given to the creator of a work so that they have the ownership and right over their own material
- Permission must be obtained from the creator in order for others to use their work
- Students have special provisions for their research/school tasks
- Legal protection and fair dealing
- Work is prevented from being stolen and used by other people without credit
- Author is happy because time and effort are recognised
- Students are happy because they can learn and use the work
- Revenue can be generated through monetisation (licensing)
- This will promote people to be creative and have them try their hardest on a project, as it is a way for people to generate money to live on
- Difficult to enforce
- Due to the ease which digital data is modified
- piracy software allows works to be stolen, modified slightly, and claimed as someone else’s own product
- Piracy is a major problem as files can be easily copied/modified for an unauthorised distribution
- Limits availability of information be restricting use/distribution of works
- People cannot build upon existing works, and share it due to copyright
- E.g. Filmmaker may not be able to use copyrighted music in a film, limiting creativity
- Complicated/confusing
- Copyright laws may be confusing for non-law experts to understand.
- Can discourage people from sharing works, even if it is legal, due to fear of repercussions
- Legal disputes, costly litigation
- Copyright disputes often costly/time-consuming (When infringement is difficult to prove)
- I.e. When artists ‘steal’ parts of songs from another
- Can make difficult for smaller organisations or individuals to defend themselves
Copyright can be respected through:
- Acknowledging sources
- Cross-referencing
- Asking for permission to use copyrighted material
- Using original material (things that you have created)
- Providing links in a multimedia system to the site containing the material, instead of placing material on your site
Appropriate use of the Internet and widespread application of new developments
- The internet has become an integral part of our lives
- Communication technology and applications have been developed for positive and negative use