Answer I gave: B
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: actually not sure (ask pillay)
Answer I gave: B
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: text searching is the little bar thing that comes up when you press Command + F, it has nothing to do with web spiders; web spiders are used for search engines because they build an index based on key words. When a user puts keywords into the search bar, websites with watching keywords from the index are retrieved and displayed. TLDR, web spiders are the thing that makes search engines work
Answer I gave: D
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Check box means you can select multiple fields whereas radio button means you can only select one field
This stems from not having an understanding of how the relationships in a DB work, ask Pillay about this (but actually its bc this question sucks)
Answer I gave:D
Correct Answer:A
Explanation: it’s definitely not C, it’s not B because there aren’t any administrative/office jobs being performed and it’s not D because the system is not aimed at a organisation. A is most correct because it helps users REGULATE home energy use (key words are important)