
The trend to mass-production while meeting the needs of individuals

The different types of systems, including:

The features of each type of system, the types of tasks they perform and the scheduling of these tasks


a continuous production system is one with the capability to function for extended periods of time. the manufacturing equipment used is specially designed for the individual product meaning it is designed to be efficient and rapid in production. As such, continuous production systems are only capable of producing one product and are extremely expensive to change because the equipment used will often become obsolete due to their specific nature. continuous production requires unskilled labour as the machines do most of the work and humans are only present for error checking and maintenance. For example, the production of water bottles uses equipment specially designed for this process, meaning production is designed to be as efficient and rapid as possible. Only one product is being created and the system cannot change production to another item such as lunchboxes because the machines are inflexible

a batch production system is a system that produces specific quantities of an item (called batches) based on demand or other conditions. Batch manufacturing equipment is designed to manufacture different types of products using the same manufacturing equipment. This allows for greater flexibility compared to continuous production. For example, the production of canned fruit is batch production because its production depends on which fruits are in season; the system will manufacture one type of fruit in the Summer but then change manufacturing in Winter.